读《beyond feelings》



记得我看完这本书之后,有朋友问了我一个很常规的问题,看完有什么收获?在交流中,他提了句:follow your heart. 而我并没能清晰地向他说明为什么《beyond feelings》这本书值得去读,为什么不能一味地follow your heart,那次的沟通让我觉得虽然我看了书,但是并没有消化,准确地说,是翻完了它,不是读完了它,所以决定整理这份笔记。



每章后面都附有一个Application,类似课后作业,第9版相比第6版,在application后,还新添了一个版块,A difference of opinion,我想作者本人也是很看重学以致用的能力的,惭愧的是,我基本没花什么时间在application上,故这部分内容略去。




Part 1:

explains the psychological, philosophical, social context in which critical thinking takes place and describes the habits and attributes that enhance such thinking.

第一部分主要缕了下critical thinking中几个重要的基础概念:

who are you? critical thinking, truth, know, opinions, evidence, argument.

读完这部分,你会知道为什么不能一味的follow your heart。

feeling很重要,但是有时候feeling是不可靠的,feeling is notoriously unreliable,甚至我们会倾向于做一些对自己有害的事情,问问减肥的人们,多少次没有克制住去暴饮暴食?戒烟戒酒的人们,多少次认定这是最后一次开戒然后义无反顾继续smoking/drinking?明明知道这是一场很重要的考试/比赛不能搞砸,最后还是搞砸了?确认过眼神TA就是你的挚爱?你可能还需要再确认下自己是不是青光眼。

feelings need to be tested before being trusted, and thinking is the most reasonable and reliable way to test them.

你也会很惊讶于原来在critical thinker的世界里,know的定义是你不仅知道,你还知道你自己知道,并且能向人描述出你是如何知道的,而argument竟然是这样定义的:the line of reasoning that supports a judgment.

Part 2:

describes common errors in thinking and how to overcome them.


errors of perspective:poverty of aspect, unwarranted assumptions, either/or outlook, mindless conformity, absolutism, relatvism, bias for or against change.

errors of procedure: biased consideration of evidence, double standard, hasty conclusion, overgeneralization and stereotyping, oversimplification, post hoc fallacy.

errors of expression: contradiction, arguing in a circle, meaningless statement, mistaken authority, false analogy, irrational appeal.

errors of reaction: automactic rejection, changing the subject, shifting the burden of proof, straw men, attacking the critic.

这些坑,或多或少都会受到一个大坑的影响,即chapter 8 单独细说的mine is better.

Part 3:

provides a step-by-step strategy for dealing with issues.

第三部分是strategy, 策略,一步步教你如何去处理一个issue。

开篇是knowing yourself,对应着本书的第一章,who are you? 这里为什么把knowing yourself放在最前面?这跟处理issue有什么关系?在处理一个issue之前,先要认清自己的不足,了解自己容易掉进part2列出的哪些坑,从而在处理issue之前就避开这些坑,随后便是being observant, 成为一个更好的观察者,一个更好的观察者才能更准确合理地去处理各种问题。chapter 16 则将关注点拉回到issues上,给出了如何去选择一个issue的方法,紧接着的三章,则是讲诉了如何去收集evidences,做出合理的interpretation,form a judgment 以及如何说服他人去接受你的这个judgment。


critical thinking的基本构成:Investigation, interpretation, judgment.

Activity Definition Requirements
Investigation Finding evidence — that is, data that will answer key questions about the issue The evidence must be both relevant and sufficient
Interpretation Deciding what the evidence means The interpretation must be more reasonable than competing interpretations
Judgment Reaching a conclusion about the issue The conclusion must meet the test of logic




引用书中chapter 14中的一段文字:

Noted psychologist Albert Ellis, founder of the Institute of Rational Emotive Therapy, claims, “Man can live the most self-fulfilling, creative, and emotionally satisfying life by intelligently organizing and disciplining his thinking. “

In short, although the challenge of improving your thinking is great, no other kind of self-improvement has the potential to affect every area of your life so positively.


有人说,做笔记是对一本书最大的尊重。我觉得,做笔记只是一种学习方式,当你将自己从书中所学的理论或者方法,哪怕只是一点,运用于实际生活中,并因此而有所成长,才是对作者最大的尊重。因为,通过阅读他们的作品,你的生活变得更好,切切实实地有了哪怕一点微小的改变,才是一部作品能给它的受众最好的礼物。就像这本书的作者所提到的,The quality lies in the doing。

Learning is doing.


Beyond feelings