读《together is better》


不仅仅是书香沁脾,更重要的是内容很有营养,推荐这本《together is better》。


本书作者Simon Sinek,在他著名的Ted演讲:how great leaders inspire action 中提到了黄金圈法则:What,How,Why. 去年第一次看了他的演讲时,便觉得观点独特,但是看完后,我的想法是:“嗯,这很对,很cool,可是离我很遥远,leadership这种东西我应该是用不上的。” 现在想来,当时的想法真的是够愚蠢的。狭隘地理解了领导力,错以为领导力只是在职场中运用,更错到离谱地以为领导力代表着强权与控制欲。呃,貌似跑题了,言归正传。

Simon Sinek的这本《together is better》主要也是以阐述领导力为主,但是全书通篇以简短的文字加配图相结合的方式,还创造性地为书添加上了香气,读来让人感觉特别舒服。通过三位主角从逃离原有环境,一起去寻找愿景,历经磨难,抵达目的地,成功后选择回到原地,回报他人,最后成长为被他人追随的领导者的过程,将那些简单却深刻的道理娓娓道来,真是个很欢畅的洗脑过程。


  • It is not about being in charge, it is about taking care of those in your charge.

  • It is not a rank or position to be attained, it is a service to be given.

  • Leadership is an education. And the best leaders think of themselves as the students, not the teachers.

    书中提到领导力是可以通过日常的练习习得的一种能力,如何练习?方法是通过考量他人的生活(consider the lives of others),即使损及自身的利益。 个人的理解是和他人一起共同成长,创造双赢的局面,嗯,together is better。

  • With good leader, we feel like we work for each other.

  • Leaders give us the chance to try and fail, then give us another chance to try and succeed.

  • Bad leaders care about who’s right, good leaders care about what’s right.

  • A good leader doesn’t only inspire us to have confidence in what they can do, A great leader inspires us to have confidence in what we can do.

  • The true value of a leader is not measured by the work they do, the true value of a leader is measured by the work they inspire others to do.

  • A leader must be inspired by the people before a leader can inspire the people


  • A team is not a group of people who work together, a team is a group of people who trust each other.



There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing , and be nothing.

P.S. 这本由台湾远流出版社发行的书,里面的一些翻译用语可能与大陆读者平时的用词不大一样,读来有些别扭,但如果你对繁体字有偏爱,那么读这本书会是个很享受的过程,Enjoy!