Lecture 10 Sonata-Allegro and Theme and Variations


这次请来了一位artist 做客,Kensho Watanabe,看出来教授很喜欢这个勤奋的小哥哥。

  • Introduction

回顾上节课提到的,流行音乐中的 verse and chorus。

basically, you have the same material; you have the same musical material coming back again and again and again. With the chorus we actually have the same text coming back again and again and again. But with the verses although the music is the same, the text keeps changing each time. We get new strophes — or new verses — of text. So keep that in mind: verse, chorus, verse, chorus. Sometimes this can start with the chorus. Sometimes there’s a harmonic change in here that we would call the bridge, but essentially it’s the repetition of the same material over and over again in terms of the music — but in terms of the text, you get new text each time for the verses.

  • Parts of the Sonata-Allegro Form

    奏鸣曲式形成于18世纪,it’s something put together in some measure by Joseph Haydn and then passed on to his good friend, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.【由海顿传给他的忘年交Mozart】



    继续上一个lecture,这里介绍了奏鸣曲的4个function types。

    • thematic

      开头presenting a theme,比如 Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony 开头,four-note motive后,呈现一个主题

    • transitional

      从主题A 到主题 B,需要一个过渡。transition

    • developmental


    • cadential


      where the composer will just throw on a lot of heavy, simple harmonic motion to slow the music down psychologically.

  • Distinguishing Functional Types within the Sonata-Allegro

    嗯,现学现用。在奏鸣曲中,区分四个functional types。



  • Theme and Variations



    we will get that theme, get that theme again with something changed. Then we will get that material again with something changed. And again with something changed……




    the simpler the theme, the more likely that theme is to become the basis of a set of theme and variations.Maybe it gives the composer more freedom to pursue variation.

    来听 Beethoven’s “God Save the King” 和 耶鲁自家的毕业生Charles Ives的作品Variations on America。

    随后,练习 Mozart的小星星变奏曲。


    in the first variation, Mozart is changing the theme. he’s sort of changing the theme by making the notes go quicker.

    in the second variation, he is changing the context.

    And so on.

    in the final variation, He’s just ornamenting a major triad so it’s a good — more cadential stuff — sort of very simple material at the end.

  • Examining Theme and Variations in Corelli’s La Folia

    邀请Kensho 一起合奏一曲。

    Kensho Watanabe,the concert master of the YSO. also one of the conductors of the Berkeley Chamber Orchestra, 三岁开始拉小提琴,同时对绝对音高非常敏感【has a very keen sense of absolute pitch】,人群中万里挑一。【One person in ten thousand has this particular gift, statistically.】

    一段小提琴和钢琴的合奏, lovely。

    教授和Kensho 合奏的是 Corelli 的 La Folia, Violin Sonata Op. 5 No. 12 in D Minor。



    La Folia:


    共变奏13次。印象深刻的是教授让 Kensho 拉了一段用四指才能拉出来的和弦,说了一句:

    When he does it, you think it’s very simple, right, easy to do. It takes years to be able to do that.
