Lecture 15 Gregorian Chant and Music in the Sistine Chapel

从 lecture 15开始,进入了这系列课程的第三部分,介绍各个时期的音乐历史。







Modernism:现代音乐(1880~至今),包括 Impressionist印象主义,代表人物 Debussy ,Ravel 和 Post-Modernist 后现代音乐/流行音乐。

lecture 15 介绍中世纪音乐。




宗教仪式通常从黎明前就开始,清晨做的叫“晨祷”,黄昏时做的叫“晚祷”,每天最重要的仪式是 弥撒(Mass),大约在9:00 AM开始,是对耶稣最后的晚餐的一种象征性再现。




  • Gregorian Chants in the Medieval Period

    中世纪的音乐 Gregorian Chants 格里高利圣咏。


    What is Gregorian chant?

    Gregorian chant is the monophonic, one-line music — monophonic, one-line music of the Roman Catholic Church as it existed from the time of the earliest church fathers up until the time of the Council of Trent.【织体为单声调】

    Gregorian chant 以 教皇格里高利命名,但格里高利圣咏与教皇格里高利没有毛线关系。「Gregorian chant had almost nothing to do with Gregory.」

    What’s the purpose of Gregorian chant?

    two things.

    • it communicated the message of the church.【传达教会的信息,即传递神的旨意】
    • Chant also allowed for a period of reflection upon the subject of the preceding reading.【对前一个主题进行反思,引发人们思考】


  • Religious Influence on Early Music: The Roles of Monks and Nuns


    Where was chant sung? 【圣咏一般在哪里唱?】

    early on chant was sung not so much in what we would call public churches but more in sequestered — usually rural — monasteries, religious communities segregated by gender — what, specifically, we would call monasteries for men and convents or nunneries for women.


    教授介绍了一本书,好小好mini,《the Rule of Saint Benedict》《圣本笃院规》,内容是教导神职人员如何度过一天。【清教徒的生活】


    It’s just a lovely time for peace and quiet and reflection.

    教授讲述了他曾在巴黎南边的Solesmes待过10天,学习Gregorian Chant的经历。


    You’re assigned a room, In that room you have a light bulb, you have a desk, you have a bed, some fruit. You have no radio. You have no clock, no television, and certainly no cell phone!

    in order to be in this monastery you are required to attend all of these canonical hours.

    典型的中世纪教堂里面,教授推荐法国的沙特尔大教堂 Chartres。【码上!!】




    If you have one cathedral to go to, I strongly — and I think I’ve been to all — I know that I’ve been to all the big ones in France — urge you to go to Chartres for several reasons.

    First of all, it has the most pristinely preserved town around the back of the church.

    It has the widest nave of any of these gothic cathedrals.

  • Chant Analysis of Hildegard von Bingen’s “O Greenest Branch”


    圣希尔德加德·冯·宾根(天主教译圣贺德佳,圣公会译圣希尔德格,德语:Hildegard von Bingen,拉丁文作Hildegardis Bingensis,1098年-1179年9月17日),又被称为莱茵河的女先知(Sibyl of the Rhine) 。


    希尔德加德约有80首音乐作品留存下来,数量远超过绝大多数的中世纪作曲家,其中最为人熟知的是宗教剧(liturgical drama)〈美德典律〉(Ordo Virtutum)。



    Her texts are the most startling, her imagery the most vivid, the most graphic, indeed the most beautiful.

    In her own musical creation, with regard to them, she styles herself simply a breath — a “feather on the breath of God.” What an interesting metaphor but very appropriate for this very modest individual.【呃,上帝气息上的一根羽毛?!】

    练习:Hildegard’s “O Greenest Branch”

    聆听 Anonymous Four 演唱的Hildegard 的作品,圣咏歌词如下:


    O rubor sanguinis,

    qui de excelso illo fluxisti,

    quod divinitas tetegit,

    Tu flos est,

    quod hyems de flatu serpentis numquam lesit.


    O redness of blood, 【鲜红的圣血】

    that flow down from heaven, 【从天堂落下】

    which divinity touched, 【犹如神性的触碰】

    You are the flower,【你似花般绚烂】

    the wintry breath of the servant — serpent will never wound. 【似诡诈之人的呼吸般冷漠,谁也伤不了你】



    Chant 圣咏和 Beethoven 的音乐非常不同:

    Chant is the very opposite of the music of Beethoven.

    Beethoven tries to convince you to feel a particular way about every moment, every measure, in his music. It is very much rhetorical music.

    Chant, on the other hand, you can take on your own terms. It is non-authoritarian. It is non-assertive, non-aggressive. It floats unfettered.


  • From Monophony to Polyphony: A Cappella of the Sistine Chapel


    早期的复调音乐,教堂音乐,称为organum [平行复音], 起源于法国的哥特式大教堂,特别是巴黎圣母院Notre-Dame of Paris。

    all cathedral organum was built upward above a pre-existing chant, above a pre-existing Gregorian chant.【建构在已有的圣咏上】

    The composer took the chant and placed it in the bottom voice and then added other voices up on top of it to form a counterpoint against it.

    练习:一段中世纪的平行复音 medieval organum。

    来看文艺复兴古罗马时期的音乐,特别是The Sistine Chapel 西斯廷教堂的音乐。

    The Sistine Chapel was the most famous of all churches in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, the core of the Renaissance. 【西斯廷教堂是15世纪晚期到十六世纪早期最出名的教堂,文艺复兴时期的中心】



    当时请的作曲家为 Josquin des 和 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

    Josquin des:

    若斯坎·德普雷(1450年到1455年之间-1521年8月27日),又作Josquin Desprez,简称常作Josquin(若斯坎),法国-弗莱芒作曲家,文艺复兴时期最杰出的音乐家之一。

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina:


    没有任何乐器伴奏的歌唱,称为清唱,又称为西斯廷教堂唱法a cappella Sistina


    然后放了一段由 最后的阉伶歌手 Alessandro Moreschi 歌唱圣母颂 Ave Maria 的片段。

    随后的练习来自 Palestrina 在1590年左右为西斯廷教堂写的弥撒。

    Palestrina has taken a piece of chant, slightly — indeed what it was an old hymn, a monophonic hymn — slightly animated the line through the addition of simple rhythmic values, and placed it in four voices so as to amplify the sense. Four voices could do more to amplify the sense of the chant.

  • Conclusion

    回到沙特尔大教堂(幻灯片),播放由 Bishop Fulbertus 福伯图斯主教 作曲的曲子,Sit back, relax。