Lecture 14 Ostinato Form

最后一个曲式:ostinato form, 固定音型/固定反复/固定低音

  • Review of Musical Forms


    然后提了下,下周六的音乐会 The Jonathan Edwards Orchestra 。

    The Jonathan Edwards Orchestra is going to be performing at Battell and they’ll be doing the Beethoven Eighth Symphony and when you go there you’re going to have four movements in the Beethoven Eighth Symphony. 【贝八交响曲】

  • Multiple Themes within Beethoven’s Third Symphony

    Beethoven’s Third Symphony, 又称 Eroica Symphony,英雄交响曲。这里的英雄原型指的是拿破仑Napoleon。后面贝多芬知道拿破仑加冕成皇帝后,很生气,知道他将会和其他人一样,成为一名独裁者,他愤怒地把这个谱子撕破了。【哈哈,贝多芬挺可爱。】




    练习Beethoven’s Third Symphony finale 终曲中的主题和变奏,赋格。


    Beethoven’s got a fugato in there, he’s got sections that sound like transition out of sonata-allegro form, and he’s working with two themes.

    在fourth variation中,贝多芬加入了fugue,使用了 fugato,其中赋格部分,voice的出场顺序是soprano, alto, tenor and then bass.

  • The Ostinato Form in Purcell’s Opera


    It’s something that happens again and again and again, just sort of obsessive-compulsive disorder applied to music.

    最典型的例子就是 Maurice Ravel‘s Bolero。

    It’s ostinato in every way in the sense that the melody keeps repeating over and over again for fourteen minutes. 【melody一直不断重复,可是听的时候一点儿都不觉得枯燥,反而很舒服😌】

    插播一段Maurice Ravel 的介绍:





    【才知道 Maurice Ravel 原来同 Debussy一样,同属印象派啊,怪不得曲子听着那么舒服。】

    every aspect of melody, rhythm and harmony is controlled by this ostinato procedure.

    从巴洛克时期开始 Ostinato曲式 的学习。

    ostinato 总是出现在低音部分。when you get an ostinato it’s applied to the bass.

    练习:巴赫的 passacaglia C Minor, BWV 582,这里选取了管风琴了片段。

    随后的练习取自 Henry Purcell的歌剧 Dido and Aeneas 狄朵与埃涅阿斯。

    Henry Purcell:

    亨利·珀塞尔, 巴洛克时期的英格兰作曲家,吸收法国与意大利音乐的特点,创作出独特的英国巴洛克音乐风格。


    Dido and Aeneas:




    练习部分为Dido’s Lament, 是女主狄朵以为自己被埃涅阿斯抛弃而深感悲痛。

    狄朵的唱段《当我躺在尘土之下时》(When I am laid in earth),是音乐历史上最著名的“哀歌” 之一。

    it’s built on an ostinato bass line. it just keeps recycling over and over and over again. 【低音部分反复】

  • The Pachelbel Canon and Conclusion

    引入 Elton John‘s Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word. 【好悲的曲子】

    教授说, Elton John has stolen Pachelbel bass line。在《Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word》的副歌部分,Elton John 使用了Pachelbel bass line 帕赫贝尔卡农低音线。

    What’s the most famous ostinato bass of all time?

    最出名的固定低音是 The Pachelbel bass.

    There’s an irony with the “Pachelbel Canon” and that is that you never hear the canon in the “Pachelbel Canon.”

    Johann Pachelbel:



    练习:Pachelbel Canon in D major


    he’s got these three canonic lines — the three staves up above — all in the same register, and when people record this they always do it with the same instrument, usually just with a violin, so we have the violins up above, three violins all playing in the same register. You can’t pick out the canon. It just sounds like this unfolding jumble. It’s a very beautiful jumble but it’s indistinctive in that sense. 【一片混沌,无法分辨, You can’t pick out the canon,所以人们说在Pachelbel Canon中,听不到Canon】

    最后散场播放 Vitamin C 的Graduation,这首歌使用了帕赫贝尔卡农低音线。
