Lecture 13 Fugue - Bach, Bizet and Bernstein

这节课说赋格,牛逼闪闪的Bach, the master of the fugue.

Every educated person should know what a fugue is. 【I want to be an educated person😂】

  • Introduction


    然后介绍了一本fugue方面的书,Douglas Hofstadter 的《 Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid》 中文译名:《哥德尔、埃舍尔、巴赫:集异璧之大成》。



    I can follow about the first twenty-five or thirty pages or so. Then when it gets to the math it really gets over my head, but what it is is an attempt to use the fugue as a way of bringing a common mode of understanding to the visual arts, to mathematics and to music.

  • The Structure of Fugues


    A composition for two, three or four parts played or sung by voices or instruments which begins with a presentation of a subject in imitation in each part. The exposition continues with modulating passages of free counterpoint — the episodes — and further appearances of the subject, and ends with a strong affirmation of the tonic key.


    they start out with one voice leading forward and then another voice imitates that voice exactly.

    如果 the following voice 从头到尾都跟 leading voice 一个调调的话,就不叫赋格,叫Canon, one voice imitating the other exactly from beginning to end.


    最知名的赋格集就是Bach的《The Well-Tempered Clavier》,Clavier 意为 keyboard,the well-tuned keyboard, 调好的键盘乐器? 中文翻译成了《十二平均律》。

    《The Well-Tempered Clavier》共有两本书,一本写于1722年,另一本完成于1742年,每一本中,都有24个 preludes 和 fugues 。

    what’s a prelude?

    It’s just a warm-up piece, to just sort of get relaxed. You get to see your fingers, get a feel of the keyboard. a prelude, a pre play, a warm-up, and then we go on to the meat of the issue, which is the fugue.



    呈示部 exposition:

    We have a leader and then a follower. And the follower duplicates the main idea, which we’re going to call th e subject, for a period of time, but then it kind of breaks off. So voices will come in and duplicate a certain amount of material and then break off and go their own way.

    After all of the voices are in, we’re at the end of what we call the exposition of the fugue.

    【注意区分奏鸣曲中的呈示部, 奏鸣曲中是 first theme and then second theme and closing theme, 而赋格则是只有一个主题,所有的voice都在各自的range 里 展示这个theme】

    【从进程角度看,follower 是从 leader fork出来的,然后中断,开始了自己的旅途,能这么理解吗?】

    After that we go to what’s called the “episode” of a fugue.【呈示部 结束后,便是episode 】

    Usually it modulates key and the vehicle through composers frequently modulate is melodic sequence, either up or down. You can kind of move around by using sequence. So it tends to be contrapuntal because it’s using little motives from the theme. It modulates, moves around a lot, goes to different keys, sounds a bit unsettled. these episodes in a fugue are sort of mini development sections.


    Then the subject will come back in a new key because we’ve modulated in the episode, subject in just one voice, new key, then another episode in which there’s modulation, more counterpoint, more movement; another statement of the subject in a new key; another episode; another statement of the subject, and on it goes until we have the sense, “oh, this is a very solid moment; yes, this fugue is ending.” And maybe they’ll throw upon one or — throw one or two chords on the end but that’s it.

    【最后主题以发展部中modulated key返回,以一个或多个和弦结束】

    fugue 和 Canon都属于imitative polyphonic texture, 模仿的复调。

    fugue 属于织体里面不那么严格的模仿的复调, 而卡农Canon 则是标准的模仿的复调,以一个主要声部开始,随后它被一个或更多的其他声部复制,跟随的声部完全准确地重复主要声部的主题。

  • Fugue Analysis in J. S. Bach’s Compositions


    作品:Bach fugue No.2 in C minor Well-Tempered Clavier Book I。

    两种风格演绎 这段 fugue。Jazz 爵士 and Baroque 巴洛克风格

    Jazz 版本里面,低音部分的乐器是低音提琴。

  • Fugue Structures in Excerpts of Bizet and Bernstein



    在另一种曲式中加入fugue,称之为fugato, a fugato is a fugue placed inside another form.


    这里,选取了Georges Bizet 和 Bernstein 的赋格片段。

    Georges Bizet :


    练习的曲子是Georges Bizet 的 Symphony in C Major 中的一部分。

    教授对这段曲子的评价:There’s a lovely romantic string sound, sort of break-your-heart string sound.


    We’ve got a four-voice fugue that’s going to start here.

    辨别出四个voice the bass, tenor, soprano, alto 低音,次中音,高音,中音 的出场顺序。

    ˙正确的顺序:bass, alto,tenor,soprano 【低音,中音,次中音,高音】

    Leonard Bernstein:



    特意找了下,Youtube上有视频,不是高清,但不影响观看,贴上 The Berlin Celebration Concert - Beethoven, Symphony No 9 Bernstein 1989. Enjoy the Berlin Freedom concert.


    赏析Leonard Bernstein’s Prelude, Fugue, and Jazz Riff 的fugue部分:【除了萨克斯,其他继续懵逼……】

    演奏乐器:Saxophones 萨克斯

    We have a moment of melodic inversion.【转位】

    what we’re about to hear next is something of a surprise because we get a second fugue subject. And it’s a different fugue subject; it is not syncopated. It’s rather lyrical .

    So what we have here is called a double-fugue. He’s got one exposition with one fugue subject. Now he’s going to give us a completely different exposition with yet a second fugue subject, and then number one comes back.

    You can design a fugue subject, not only that it could go upside down, but in which the intervals instead of coming in long succession could be piled right on top of one another.

    The intervals back up on each other because they have been arranged to be consonant at key points and that’s called stretto, Italian word stretto, kind of tight — tight entries here. So here is fancy little bit of counterpoint by Leonard Bernstein that once again goes by very quickly.

    Now he’s going to bring back the two subjects together.

    So it’s a pretty nifty little fugue there by Leonard Bernstein with lots of intricate counterpoint involved in it.

    随后,是一段 Bach的fugue,3分22秒,用管风琴organ弹奏。


    【呃,如果我没有听错,这里教授放的应该是Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578】


    Differentiating between a passage in which you’ve got a statement of the subject and an episode where there ain’t no statement of the subject. 【找到subject和episode】


    we’ve gone soprano, alto, tenor and now bass.

    It’s in one of those inner voices.

    It’s a little bit disguised but it’s in there.

    Yep, way down in the bass.

    A nice, long sequence here.

    so episode.

    Yep, all the way up on top in the soprano.

    Another episode, descending sequence this time.

    Rising sequences here, falling sequences in the bass.

    最后课堂的结尾,播放了由 Glenn Gould 格连·古尔德弹奏的巴赫的fugue,边唱边教你如何写fugue:P。