Lecture 21 Musical Impressionism and Exoticism - Debussy, Ravel and Monet

印象派,Debussy & Ravel, lovely。

  • Introduction to Musical Impressionism

    1880 ~ 1920: 印象派时期的音乐

    教授介绍了印象派画家Manet, Renoir, Alfred Sisley, Camille Pissarro 等 和 诗人Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud, and Stephane Mallarmé。【再次为自己没文化而惭愧……】

    音乐领域中,印象派的作曲家,Claude Debussy,Maurice Ravel, Gabriel Fauré, Ottorino Respighi, Charles Griffes。

    Claude Debussy:

    阿希尔-克洛德·德彪西(法语:Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862年8月22日-1918年3月25日),法国作曲家。



    • 《Clair de Lune》【moonlight】
    • 《Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun》【牧神的午后】

    其他作品如《Nocturnes》【夜曲】,《La Mer》【大海】,《Images》【意象】

    教授现场弹奏了《Clair de Lune》的片段。

  • Debussy’s Musical Responses to Mallarme’s Poetry

    介绍了《Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun》【牧神的午后】创作背景,选材于Debussy的美学导师Stephane Mallarmé的一首诗。




聆听 Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun


the harp playing away there, arpeggios periodically, just little dabs of color underneath by way of a supporting accompaniment. So let’s listen to a little bit more here. 【竖琴低音,琶音】

Focus on the flute line. That’s got the melody but it’s a kind of different melody than the melodies that we have been listening to.【长笛,旋律】

Passed it to the oboe, okay, pausing it there. So that melody, is kind of like a roulade, kind of ill-formed in a way. It’s very beautiful, but it’s difficult to sing. It’s chromatic, it doesn’t have any regular structure to it, and this is typical of the Impressionists’ approach to melody.【印象派大概就是你哼不出来的调调吧?】

聆听 Debussy’s Voiles


Voiles is a composition by Claude Debussy for solo piano from 1909. It is the second piece in a set of twelve préludes published in 1910. The title of the piece may be translated to English as either veils or sails; both meanings can be connected to the musical structure. Except for some mild, localized chromaticism and a short pentatonic passage, the entire piece uses the whole tone scale.



Ostinato were there in Baroque music. They kind of went out of fashion in the Classical period and in the romantic period. Romantic is too expansive for ostinatos, but they come back in here in the Impressionist period and they’re really important in the Modernist period.

这里音阶部分,只用了five notes,而不是常规的7个notes.

We did have whole tone but now we get a pentatonic scale, just using five notes.

还用了glissando 滑奏。

只弹白键或者黑键就是glissando。They use a lot in television and stuff.

  • La Cathedrale Engloutie – Interactions between Impressionist Painters and Musicians

    聆听 Debussy的前奏曲prelude La Cathédrale Engloutie【沉没的教堂】

  • Ravel’s Ondine: A Violin Performance by Naomi Woo

    Ravel’s Ondine:

    来自拉威尔的作品集Gaspard de la nuit 夜之幽灵 , Ondine为第一乐章。


    • Ondine「水妖」
    • Le Gibet「绞刑架」
    • Scarbo「幻影」

    邀请一名大一的新生小姐姐Naomi Woo弹奏Ravel’s Ondine, 小姐姐真的超厉害。


    You should look at the score, and the other interesting thing is that the hand — the chord positionings change each time they go up an octave and that’s really hard. Rather than repetition of an arpeggio, up an octave, repeat it, same hand position, up an octave, the particular hand positions are changing as you go up octave to octave. Anything else — I — at the very beginning of this, I did notice — if you could play the left-hand part just so we can hear this melody at the beginning — Okay. So there we have the outlines of a pentatonic scale at work here, and you’re going to hear that at the beginning and then you’ll hear at the end. So the general form here, as if often true with these Impressionist composers, is just ternary form, A, B, A with the second and final A slightly modified.
