Lecture 22 Modernism and Mahler

Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen。「 我告别喧嚣的尘世。」

  • Introduction to Modernism: Elements in Stravinsky’s Ballet Scores

    介绍现代时期的两位器乐和声乐大师 Igor Stravinsky,Arnold Schoenberg.

    Igor Stravinsky:




    Arnold Schoenberg:

    阿诺尔德·勋伯格(德语:Arnold Schönberg,定居美国后改姓氏写法为Schoenberg,1874年9月13日-1951年7月13日),奥地利作曲家、音乐教育家、音乐理论家,作家,画家,曾向亚历山大·策姆林斯基学习作曲,其后并迎娶策氏之妹为妻。


    相比Firebird, Petrushka 更能体现现代派音乐。

    It’s modern because of the new approach to rhythm. In the Romantic music that we have been listening to, we would hear these long, somewhat amorphous melodies, amorphous in terms of the rhythm. But now here with the advent of Modernism in the twentieth century we get a much more driving type of rhythm. It almost in some ways goes back to the driving rhythms of the Baroque except with one major difference, and that is that these modern rhythms are highly irregular. What we get oftentimes are irregular meters.

    聆听 Igor Stravinsky 的芭蕾舞剧《彼得鲁什卡》 1911, Petrushka

    《春之祭》The Rite of Spring 1913年5月在巴黎首演,即引起轰动。观众以为听到的是类似Tchaikovsky‘s Swan Lake, 舒缓而优雅,结果听到的春之祭充斥着刺耳的不规则音乐。【我这翻译……】


    cultural historians to put their finger on the moment that constitutes the beginning of Modernism it would probably be this moment of the performance of The Rite of Spring.

  • Creating the Dissonance and Irregularities in The Rite of Spring



    • heavy dissonance 【重不和谐音】
    • much greater reliance on percussion【大量依赖打击乐器】
    • the use of stringed instruments as percussion instruments【弦乐器当打击乐器用】
    • an increased use of woodwinds.【增加对木管乐器的使用】
    • this idea of rhythm, driving rhythms【不规则的节奏】


  • Mahler’s “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”: An Exploration



    It’s just gorgeous, but we don’t really learn anything from it.

    Gustav Mahler 除了写了9部交响曲,还写过两部歌集,管弦歌曲 orchestral Lieder 【教授推荐听Mahler从他的交响曲开始,嗯,Yes,Sir!】

    I hope you will come to like Mahler.

    【听了Gustav Mahler第五交响曲第四乐章,温柔到无法言表。】

    聆听 Gustav Mahler orchestral Lieder “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”

    《Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen》是德国诗人Friedrich Ruckert的作品, Mahler将诗人的诗谱成了五首歌。


    Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, I am lost to the world,

    Mit der ich sonst viele Zeit verdorben, with which I used to waste so much time,

    Sie hat so lange nichts von mir vernommen, It has heard nothing from me for so long

    Sie mag wohl glauben, ich sei gestorben! that it may very well believe that I am dead!

    Es ist mir auch gar nichts daran gelegen, It is of no consequence to me

    Ob sie mich für gestorben hält, Whether it thinks me dead,

    Ich kann auch gar nichts sagen dagegen, I cannot deny it,

    Denn wirklich bin ich gestorben der Welt。 for I really am dead to the world。

    Ich bin gestorben dem Weltgetümmel, I am dead to the world’s tumult,

    Und ruh’ in einem stillen Gebiet! And I rest in a quiet realm!

    Ich leb’ allein in meinem Himmel, I live alone in my heaven,

    In meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied! In my love and in my song!

    This is a metaphor for all of his music so this is an individual that has become detached from the world and simply wants to live in the world of music.



  • The Values of Saving Classical Music and Conclusion


    Now it’s time for you to do your part. What’s your part?

    You have to do the following kinds of things.

    • You have to continue to buy CDs and download classical music off of iTunes or whatever it is. Don’t steal that stuff. Why? If you take that stuff for nothing, what are you doing? You’re taking the livelihood away from Jacob and Santana and Lynda here, just the livelihood of musicians. They’ve put their labor into it and you’re taking it for nothing. So download these things. It doesn’t cost all that much.
    • get involved. Get involved in informal singing groups, keep your piano lessons, if you’ve ever had those kinds of things going on, local choral groups, whatever.
    • give music lessons to your children. Teaches them hard work, teaches them to think sequentially, teaches them various forms of quantitative reasoning, teaches them also to be disciplined and teaches them to have a pride in the work product that they ultimately generate.
