- A Brief Biography of J. S. Bach
巴赫家祖上十代都是音乐家,ten generations of Bachs were musicians.
1685年,巴赫出生,9岁时,父母双亡,成为孤儿,由他的兄长Johann Christoph Bach抚养长大。
巴赫的音乐教育基本来源于自学。**for the most part, J.S. Bach was self-taught.**【果然,大牛都爱自学】
he copied music.【这里的copy music 是手抄乐谱,嗯,这倒是跟苏东坡的方法挺像的】
He copied music for two reasons:
- to learn the musical style
- to get music
那么, Bach 抄谁的?
Corelli。【前面lecture11 提到过他的作品La Folia《福利亚变奏曲》】
小 Bach 有多勤奋呢?
oftentimes surreptitiously by moonlight when he was supposed to be in bed.
Bach 求学的时候,为了向一位著名的管风琴师及音乐家学习,会徒步往返于两个城市之间。
walked from Arnstadt in the center part of Germany all the way up to the Hanseatic city of Lubeck on the North Sea up there, a distance of about two hundred fifty miles, in order to be able to sit at the feet of a very famous organist and composer there in Lubeck, and then he walked back.
1708~1717年,Bach在Weimar 做管风琴师。1717年他打算离开 Weimar时,因未得到公爵的允许而辞职, 被他的雇主Duke Wilhelm 送进了监狱,据说就是在狱中,Bach 开始了《Well-Tempered Clavier 》的创作。
1723 年,Bach 去了Leipzig,然后在那里度过了余生。
欣赏: Bach Sanctus of the B Minor Mass, B小调弥撒圣咏
Bach in his day was recognized and valued not so much as a composer but as a performer.
Bach’s Music and Characteristics of Baroque Style
J.S.Bach The Art of the Fugue《赋格的艺术》:
BWV 1080,是巴赫(1685-1750)的一部未指定乐器的未完成杰作.
J.S.Bach Mass in B minor《B小调弥撒曲》:
J.S.Bach Brandenburg Concertos 《勃兰登堡协奏曲》:
- No.1 in F Major, BWV 1046
- No.2 in F Major, BWV 1047
- No.3 in G Major, BWV 1048
- No.4 in G Major, BWV 1049
- No.5 in D Major, BWV 1050
- No.6 in B Flat Major, BWV 1051
J.S.Bach The Goldberg Variations 《哥德堡变奏曲》:
Bach 在Saint Thomas Church 圣托马斯教堂任职期间,完成了大约300首cantata 康塔塔。
It’s not much music, more sort of spoken dialogue accompanied a little bit by a basso continuo.
咏叹调(Da Capo):
“Da Capo” means the head guy or in this case the beginning of the music, the head of the music.
It means you take it from the beginning of the music. So you do one section, an A section, and then you have a contrasting section and then you get this sign that says DC, “Da Capo,” and then you go back and do the A section all over again.
“Da Capo”的意思是“领头人”,在这里是指音乐的起始,意味着返到音乐的开头重新开始。比如你负责声部A,进入对照部B,然后看到符号DC即Da Capo,表示你要返回到开头,从A部重新开始。返始咏叹调运用了“三段式”曲式。
Bach’s “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”: Discussion and Analysis
欣赏:赞美诗 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Arise, a Voice is Calling《醒来吧,一个声音在呼唤》
Awake, a voice is calling, from the watchman from high in the tower.
Awake Jerusalem; midnight is the hour.
They call us with a clarion voice.
Where are the wise virgins?
Get up.
The bridegroom cometh.
Stand up and take your lamps.
Alleluia. Provide yourself for the wedding. Go — you must go out — go forth to meet him.
to be able to hear one thing and size up its implications, to know what it could become. I guess that’s what [being] a great creative artist is all about, to know what something can become.
Well, they copied music for him. His wife, Anna Magdalena Bach, was his principal copyist.【亲戚和朋友们通过为他抄曲谱来谋生……他媳妇是他的首席抄谱师,搞得我也好想抄谱为生……】
Bach’s Legacy in Musical History
Bach 逝于1750年,也代表了巴洛克时期的结束。
Historians are profoundly grateful to him for that because it gives us a nice, clean cut-off by which to end the Baroque era — end of Bach, end of Baroque. 【教授挺幽默】